Stormwater Management
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is overseeing a federally mandated program to control stormwater runoff and protect waterways. Permits are required for stormwater discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) in urbanized areas and for construction activities disturbing one or more acres. The Town of Marcellus has been automatically designated as a regulated MS4. As such, the Town is required to develop a comprehensive stormwater management program. Water from rain or melting snow runs off land, carrying litter, soil, bacteria and other pollutants into our waters. Large amounts of stormwater rushing off paved surfaces can flood yards, streets and basements. The goal of the NYSDEC’s stormwater program is to correct these problems; which in turn will protect and restore our valuable environmental resources. The Town has designated the Code Enforcement Officer as their stormwater contact.
for more information on stormwater management you can go to one of the following websites:
Information on the Stormwater Requirements
For more information on the stormwater requirements please contact the Code Enforcement Officer at: 315-673-3269 x4.
The Code Enforcement Office should be contacted for construction related stormwater questions or if you see any sources of stormwater pollution.
For inquiries, complaints and responses download the attached form and direct them to the Town Codes Officer at 24 east Main Street, Marcellus, NY 13108 (315) 673-3269 x4 or e-mail at
What you can do to help prevent stormwater runoff pollution?
- Don’t dump anything into a catchbasin or drain pipe.
- Properly dispose of all paints, used motor oil and other hazardous waste
- Sweep up driveways, sidewalks and walkways
- Use fertilizers and pesticides sparingly
- Pick up after your pet and dispose waste in the toilet or trash.
- Check you vehicles for any leaking fluids
- Wash your vehicles at a car wash. If washing at home, use a low-phosphate detergent.
- Have your septic tank pumped and inspected at least once every two years.
The Town was required to pass two new ordinances to address stormwater. These ordinances prohibit illicit discharges to municipal storm and sewer systems and establish the stormwater requirements for new construction projects within Marcellus. Soil that enters streams and lakes as sediment reduces water clarity and covers fish spawning beds, leading to a decline in numbers of fish and other aquatic creatures. Large amounts of sediment can lead to streams jumping their banks and causing flooding. Rainwater that runs off pavement and lawns also picks up pollutants such as phosphorus and nitrogen, which when introduced to lakes cause outbreaks of dense aquatic plant growth and algae or “pond scum”. The water can also carry oil, trash, pesticides, and other chemicals, as well as bacteria or disease pathogens, to streams and lakes. The addition of rooftops and paved or concrete surfaces to an area also causes less rainwater to filter naturally into the ground. This means that more water runs directly off the surface into the nearest body of water, often causing flooding.
The Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Local Law
The Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Local Law prohibits certain sources of water and waste from entering storm drains and bodies of water. This means that introducing sewage, septic system drainage, floor drainage from auto shops, restaurants, and industries, and any source of flow other than rainwater or snowmelt is illegal. Dumping of chemicals into drainage manholes or catchbasins in streets or yards is likewise prohibited. A number of exceptions can be made to this rule as long as they do not contain obvious contamination.
These include:
- landscape irrigation or watering
- uncontaminated groundwater or spring flows
- drinking water from wells, foundation and footing drains
- air conditioning condensation
- sump pump flows
- individual residential car washing without detergents
- dechlorinated swimming pool water
- fire-fighting activities
- water line flushing
- street washing
The Code Enforcement Officer will enforce the new law and work with residents to resolve issues on a case-by-case basis.
CNY Stormwater Coalition
Gardens and Gutters is the quarterly electronic newsletter of the CNY Stormwater Coalition. Each quarter the newsletter talks about the joys of the season and how to manage stormwater to enhance your landscaping and protect the environment we live in.
CNY Stormwater or CNY Stormwater (Twitter)
Stormwater Annual Reports
Annual Report- period ending March 9, 2023- Town
Annual Report- period ending March 9, 2025 – Town
We would love to have your feedback. Please download the below form and send us any comments you may have on these reports.