Boards and Committees

If you are interested in filling any vacancies contact the Town Clerk.

Town Board:

The Town’s governing board holds ultimate authority to act on behalf of the Town.
By adopting the annual budget, it levies town taxes. It adopts and amends the Town’s ordinances. In addition to exercising these broad policy-making responsibilities, the Town Board typically decides numerous separate administrative matters. Thus it may authorize the Town to enter into a contract, buy or sell a parcel of property, award the successful bid on a major purchase or a construction project, or accept the dedication of a street.

Town Supervisor:

Laurie Stevens
Elected position: 2 year term


Jeff Berwald, Percy Clarke, Gabe Hood, Terry Hoey.
Elected position: 4 year term
Vacancies: 0

Planning Board:

Ensures that Town growth is orderly and that land within the Town is conserved,
protected and used properly.

Members: 7
Chairperson: Gerald E. Wickett
Kathy Carroll, Chris Christensen, Ronald Schneider, Scott S. Stearns, Mark W. Taylor, Holly Tufenkjian

Appointed position: 7 year term
Vacancies: 0

Zoning Board of Appeals:

The primary function of the Zoning Board of Appeals is to consider variances of the zoning regulations where there is an unusual hardship with the land. The board also issues Special Permits.

Members: 5
Chairperson: Scott S. Stearns
Chris Christensen, Kathy Carroll, Ronald Schneider, Gerald Wickett

Appointed position: 5 year term
Vacancies: 0

Assessment Board of Review:

Corrects errors in the assessment roll and may adjust amounts
assessed in response to objections from property owners.

Members: 5
Paul Femano, James LaRose Jr., John Stempel, Mallory Zabinski,

Appointed position: 5 year term
Vacancies: 1