Marcellus Health-Loan Closet

From its beginning in 1942, the Marcellus Health-Loan Closet continues to be a non-profit community organization, whose objective is to equip and maintain a loan closet of articles to aid in caring for sick persons in the home, including hospital beds, walkers, wheel chairs and other items. The articles are loaned, without charge, for use in private homes of those who are residents of the Marcellus Central School District.

The officers, which make up the Board of Directors, include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and they are elected to serve at the annual meeting in September in 2-year intervals

Membership is open, without dues, to any interested person of the Marcellus School District and meetings are generally held quarterly with the annual meeting in September. The membership meets at designated times when members are available. Meetings are held at the Marcellus Town Hall Office or at a site convenient for the members. The Board can call meetings on an as needed basis.

A Finance Committee is maintained under the supervision of the Treasurer, who reports to the membership at the meetings. Finances are maintained at the Key Bank account in Marcellus. The organization obtains free will contributions from the community and private donors. The Village of Marcellus and the Town of Marcellus have a line item allocated in their budgets for the Health-Loan Closet and these funds are used as needed to help defray cost of rent and upkeep of equipment.

An Equipment Procurement and Maintenance Committee, designed by council members, is responsible for inventory control, maintenance and repair of the equipment, and informing members as to what equipment is needed and when equipment purchases are necessary.

A Public Relations Committee consists of designated members who are responsible for any articles that might appear in The Marcellus Observer. This committee also sends thank you notes for equipment, outright donations, and obituary donations made to the Health-Loan Closet.

Loan Procedures

Marcellus Health Loan Closet – VILLAGE OF MARCELLUS

Contact the Village Clerk at 315-673-3112 Ext 1, or email to check availability and make arrangements for pick up/return